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CAD - Digital Artistic Communities

is a project of networking and development of relationships and competences committed to dance/performing arts practices guided into the digital space and played and discussed through the resources offered by the instruments of digital creation and sharing. The project has been hosted and supported across 2020-2021 by AIKU-Ca’Foscari and Operaestate Festival Veneto. 

In conclusion to the projects CAD and Approdi, which welcomed and supported processes and dialogues for education, curation and interdisciplinary explorations for many Artists and Collaborators of Zebra, in collaboration with partner as AIKU, Università Ca'Foscari, Regione del Veneto, Comune di Venezia e Centro per la Scena Contemporanea di Bassano del Grappa, on December 1st 2021 all of them gathered at the event  "Theater Territory and Society: a vision for cultural politics" at La Conigliera (Resana - TV). This event materialized the opportunity to challenge the vision of a complex and multilayered journey in the territory to generate a dialogue for cultural politics that emerged from the entire project.

Follow the Zebra Calendar to find out where and when to meet the Artists of this project:

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