This manifest embraces the project- and poetic-oriented essence embodied by the two women that holds the Artistic Direction of Zebra, to revalue diversities in dialogue, with networking and growth resources.

A sustainable and resilient vision should be founded on human relationships, on the desire of communicating with anyone, of nourishing the courage of dareing, acting and be a change.
Dance is a human right, is the art of reconnecting people to their bodies, and to humanity and humanism, to history and future visions, beyond barriers and living public and community spaces, regenerating for them new possible identities.
The creating spring foreward of Zebra is channeled, in agreement with principles of 2030 Agenda, for sustainability and towards an organic, strategic and virtuous approach committed to dance, bodies, cross-disciplinarity, mixed-ages communities and enviroment.
This manifest embraces the project- and poetic-oriented essence embodied by the two women that holds the Artistic Direction of Zebra, to revalue diversities in dialogue, with networking and growth resources.

By acting in the present time, the committment of Zebra is not only for care and support of performance repertoire and new productions of the Artists involved in the Association.
Across the activities in the agenda, Zebra is focused on igniting and nourishing processes that engages deeply with territories, enhancing collective co-creation and inclusion; that encourages collaborations, not just within national and international networks, but with other disciplines- and tecniques-based entities to promote opening of languages and multidisciplinarity; that boosts the presence of youth, and so with young audiences as co-writers for a vision of a community reality in becoming, but already alive and present.
With each step and each action, we take part of a construction process of an upcoming present designed by regenerated and accessible human resources, with a collective vision of tomorrow.

The Cultural Association ZEBRA was born at the beginning of 2011 from the joined venture of three choreographers in Veneto Region which, within their different poetic approach, share the same goals for cultural development. Chiara Frigo, Silvia Gribaudi and Giuliana Urciuoli joined efforts and visions with the intent of supporting their own artistic creations and shared projects.
The Association grew up constantly in the years, till the point of welcoming collaborations in different areas of performing arts: from dance to theater, from site-specific processes to research processes, from education in dance schools to dance approaches in business enterprises.
In time the artistic direction of Chiara Frigo and Silvia Gribaudi opened to the desire of sharing expertise and perspectives by opening their doors to younger artists. Since 2017 has been supporting young talents of italian contemporary art scene, enhancing their productions and presence in the italian performing arts system.
The Artists of Zebra are members of C.RE.S.CO, Coordination of Realities of Contemporary Scene, and REV, Network of Veneto Region for performing arts.
ZEBRA is always on the move!
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